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Pleasant View Soccer League

Rampage Soccer Club

What is Rampage Soccer Club? 
We are currently building teams ranging from ages U8 & UP. These boys and girls are exposed to a different level of competitive play.

The program will focus on the complete development of its players and coaches while facilitating a competitive soccer environment.   Training focuses on the basic soccer skill to the more advanced.  We hope to provide opportunities for youth to play at a higher level than what the recreational soccer program can offer.  

Friendly games are usually scheduled for Sunday afternoons. Tournaments are played throughout the weekends. Participation in tournaments depends on the individual coach/teams. Select games are played in cities such as Pleasant View (home), Clarksville, Hendersonville, Gallatin, Whitehouse, Brentwood, Murfreesboro, and Franklin. Schedules and locations of games depend on the individual teams' coaches. Our younger teams will try to stay as close to home as possible for the first years and as they get older they can travel a little more as teams decide on locations. If interested or for more information please email us at [email protected]

Why was the program created?

Programs like TN United, TN Soccer Club and NFC are outstanding soccer programs, but we realize that some families cannot make the time and monetary commitments that these programs require.  In order to create opportunities for more children to play at a higher level at which they are capable of playing, the Rampage Soccer Club was created as another option.  We believe that this will lead to the creation of teams in many age groups at various levels of capability and commitment.  The program is an affordable, local option to get a quality, competitive experience.

Where will games be played and practices be held?

Games/Friendlies will be scheduled each season with proximity in mind.  Northern-middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky will be the priority for the scheduler.  Some games/friendlies will be held at PV Soccer Fields.  All practices will be held at PV Soccer Fields.

Will we play in tournaments?

Yes, the goal for the number of tournaments will be two-three tournaments a season for the U8 -U10 age groups and two-four tournaments for the U11 & up age groups.  The coach/manager will primarily consider tournaments in the Northern-middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky area.

When will games be played?

Games/friendlies (outside of a tournament ) are usually scheduled on Saturday’s or Sunday’s with start times ranging from 2:00-6:00 PM, usually after recreational soccer games & after church on Sundays because some kids play both recreational and select.  Most tournaments require most of the day on Saturday and Sunday from morning until evening due to the number of teams who participate in tourneys.

What are the expected costs?

Each player will pay the club a fee that covers among other things, registration to TN State Soccer for player insurance and city fees.  The player will also pay a fee to the team that will be used to pay for referees, uniforms, and tournament registration.  The cost to play will vary from season to season, but will range between $200-$400.

How long is the soccer season?

Currently our players play two seasons per year with the club (fall and spring).  We begin annually at the end of July/beginning of August.  Fall season typically lasts until the beginning of November depending on which division our individual teams are competing in.   Our Spring season begins in February and runs through mid May.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email us at [email protected] Thanks!!

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